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信息技術與網絡安全 12期
錢 雪1,李 軍1,唐 球2,錢曉雨1
(1.北京信息科技大學 信息管理學院,北京100192;2.華北計算機系統(tǒng)工程研究所,北京100083)
摘要: 藥品在實際生產過程中總會伴隨著異物、缺粒、藥體破損等表面缺陷,這些缺陷輕則影響產品使用效果,重則會在使用過程中產生巨大事故造成生命財產損失。針對深度學習模型在實際工業(yè)產品表面缺陷檢測中缺陷樣本少以及細小缺陷檢測精度低的應用問題,將目前主流的目標檢測算法之一——YOLOV5應用于藥品檢測場景,提出了一種精度高、所需標注樣本少、檢測速度快的one-stage實時缺陷檢測系統(tǒng)——RDD_YOLOV5(Real-time Defects Detection_YOLOV5)。利用原始圖像初級特征進行數據增強,結合注意力機制與多尺度特征融合,增加骨干網絡提取跨通道語義信息能力,充分融合高層語義信息與底層細粒度信息以提升模型在小缺陷檢測方面的識別效果,在有限的樣本條件下達到較高的準確率。該方法檢測效果達到了96.6%mAP,32 FPS。
中圖分類號: TP393
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.12.008
引用格式: 錢雪,李軍,唐球,等. 基于YOLOV5的藥品表面缺陷實時檢測方法[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(12):45-50.
Real-time detection method of pill surface defects based on YOLOV5
Qian Xue1,Li Jun1,Tang Qiu2,Qian Xiaoyu1
(1.School of Information Management,Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing 100192,China; 2.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract: In the actual production process of drugs, there are always surface defects such as foreign matter, particle shortage and drug body damage. These defects may affect the use effect of products, or cause huge accidents in the use process, resulting in loss of life and property. Aiming at the application problems of deep learning model in the surface defect detection of practical industrial products with few defect samples and low detection accuracy of small defects, YOLOV5, one of the current mainstream target detection algorithms, is applied to the drug detection scene, and a kind of one stage real-time defect detection system(RDD_YOLOV5) with high accuracy, less required standard samples and fast detection speed is proposed. The primary features of the original image are used for data enhancement, combined with attention mechanism and multi-scale feature fusion, the ability of the backbone network to extract cross-channel semantic information is increased, and the high-level semantic information and low-level fine-grained information are fully integrated to improve the recognition effect of the detection efficiency of this model in small defect detection. Under the condition of limited samples, the method achieves high accuracy, and the detection efficiency of this method reaches 96.6% mAP, 32 FPS.
Key words : defect detection;deep learning;object detection;YOLOV5

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近幾年深度學習技術在機器視覺方面有很大突破,而利用其進行工業(yè)產品表面缺陷檢測也逐漸成為工業(yè)界研究的熱點。在真實復雜的工業(yè)環(huán)境下,表面缺陷檢測面臨諸多挑戰(zhàn),例如在藥品檢測過程中,存在缺陷成像與背景差異小、對比度低、缺陷尺度變化大且類型多樣等情形。近些年來, 隨著以卷積神經網絡(Convolution Neural Network,CNN)為代表的深度學習模型在諸多計算機視覺(Computer Vision,CV)領域成功應用,國內外學者也展開了基于深度學習技術的表面缺陷檢測的研究。同時,一些公司也開發(fā)出多種基于深度學習的商用工業(yè)表面缺陷檢測軟件。全球傳統(tǒng)工業(yè)視覺及其部件的市場規(guī)模將于2025年達到192億美元且年平均增長率為14%[1-2]。因此, 基于深度學習的表面缺陷檢測方法不僅具有重要的學術研究價值,同時有非常廣闊的市場應用前景。




錢  雪1,李  軍1,唐  球2,錢曉雨1

(1.北京信息科技大學 信息管理學院,北京100192;2.華北計算機系統(tǒng)工程研究所,北京100083)
