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南京航空航天大學 電子信息工程學院,江蘇 南京 211100
摘要: 針對傳統(tǒng)VHF波段功率放大器存在的體積大、效率低、諧波干擾嚴重等問題,利用集總參數(shù)元件設計了一款工作于該波段的小型化、高功率、高效率功率放大器。通過在功率放大器的輸出匹配電路中引入多級LC諧振網(wǎng)絡,實現(xiàn)了對諧波分量的有效抑制,提高了功率放大器的線性度和效率,也改善了電磁兼容性。實物測試結果表明,該功率放大器的飽和輸出功率約為44.9 dBm,飽和功率增益為14 dB,功率附加效率為62%,性能優(yōu)良,具有較好的實際工程應用價值,可廣泛應用于航空、航天等領域。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223374
中文引用格式: 劉天韻,劉少斌. 基于諧波抑制的小型化高效率功率放大器設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(2):97-101.
英文引用格式: Liu Tianyun,Liu Shaobin. Design of miniaturized high efficiency power amplifier based on harmonic suppression[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(2):97-101.
Design of miniaturized high efficiency power amplifier based on harmonic suppression
Liu Tianyun,Liu Shaobin
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211100, China
Abstract: To overcome conventional VHF power amplifiers′ shortcomings of bulky size, low efficiency, and EM interferences due to output harmonics, a miniaturized, high power and high efficiency power amplifier working in VHF band is designed by using lumped parameter elements in this paper. In this work, multiple series LC resonators are introduced into the output matching circuit of the power amplifier, with effectively suppressed harmonic components, improved linearity and efficiency, as well as improved electromagnetic compatibility of the power amplifier. Finally, the physical test results show that the saturated output power of the power amplifier is about 44.9 dBm, the saturated power gain is 14 dB, and the power added efficiency is 62%. With its excellent performance, it has good practical engineering application value and can be widely used in aviation, aerospace and other fields.
Key words : power amplifier;harmonic suppression;high efficiency;miniaturization;VHF band

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(南京航空航天大學 電子信息工程學院,江蘇 南京 211100)

