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網絡安全與數(shù)據(jù)治理 2022年第1期
田 蕾,洪 晟
(北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100083)
摘要: 隨著大數(shù)據(jù)技術發(fā)展,“大數(shù)據(jù)殺熟”現(xiàn)象日益嚴重,侵害了消費者的諸多合法權益。針對該現(xiàn)象,在充分研究了其成因和目前規(guī)制困境的基礎上,提出了完善相關法律規(guī)制的建議,使大數(shù)據(jù)能夠更好地發(fā)揮其應有價值,有助于在互聯(lián)網平臺利益與消費者合法權益保護之間找到平衡點。
中圖分類號: TP393.08;D922.11;D922.17
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.007
引用格式: 田蕾,洪晟. “大數(shù)據(jù)殺熟”的法律規(guī)制研究[J].網絡安全與數(shù)據(jù)治理,2022,41(1):41-46.
Research on legal regulation of the Big Data affinity
Tian Lei,Hong Sheng
(School of Cyber Science and Technology,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract: With the development of Big Data technology, the phenomenon of “Big Data Affinity” is getting more serious, infringing on legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Therefore, this paper puts forward suggestions for improving relevant legal regulations on the basis of fully studying its causes and current regulatory dilemmas, so that Big Data can better play its due value. This is also helpful for finding a balance between the benefits of Internet platforms and the protection of rights and interests of consumers.
Key words : Big Data affinity;Big Data;legal system;consumers′ rights and interests

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田  蕾,洪  晟

(北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100083)
