您所在的位置:首頁 > 其他 > 設計應用 > 基于激光引導的SCARA的軌跡規(guī)劃與優(yōu)化
王 鍇,關勝曉
(中國科學技術大學 信息科學技術學院,安徽 合肥230026)
摘要: 多數(shù)應用場景中,SCARA機械臂的工作路徑為固定的模式,為結合視覺信息,優(yōu)化控制方式,采用激光打樣的方式引導SCARA動作。以桃子TZ-500 SCARA機械臂和MATLAB為實驗平臺,使用D-H坐標系法建立機械臂的運動學模型,得到其工作空間。針對點到點的軌跡,采用五次多項式插值法完成在關節(jié)空間內(nèi)的規(guī)劃。靈活的多點軌跡,使用三次B樣條曲線插值法規(guī)劃得到相鄰點的三次軌跡,對于起始時刻和終止時刻加速度不為零的問題,設計了修正因子,保證加速度為零,有效降低沖擊。為了縮短運行時間,結合約束條件和應用場景設計了新的罰函數(shù),并對遺傳算法的選擇和變異方向進行改進,加速篩選過程。實驗結果表明,使用了改進后的遺傳算法,得到軌跡的運行時間要優(yōu)于優(yōu)化前的軌跡,有效地提高了運行效率和精度。
中圖分類號: TP241.2
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.02.010
引用格式: 王鍇,關勝曉. 基于激光引導的SCARA的軌跡規(guī)劃與優(yōu)化[J].信息技術與網(wǎng)絡安全,2021,40(2):56-65.
Trajectory planning and optimization of SCARA based on laser guidance
Wang Kai,Guan Shengxiao
(School of Information Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China)
Abstract: In most application scenarios, the working path of SCARA robotic arms is fixed. In order to combine visual information and optimize the control method, laser proofing is used to guide SCARA actions. Using the Taozi TZ-500 SCARA robotic arm and MATLAB as the experimental platform, the D-H coordinate system method is used to establish the kinematics model of the robotic arm and obtain its working space. For the point-to-point trajectory, the paper uses the fifth-degree polynomial interpolation method to complete the planning in the joint space. For flexible multi-point trajectories, the cubic B-spline curve interpolation method is used to plan and obtain the cubic trajectories of adjacent points. For the problem that the acceleration at the start and end time is not zero, a correction factor is designed to ensure that the acceleration is zero. This method reduces the impact effectively. In order to shorten the running time, a new penalty function is designed in combination with constraint conditions and application scenarios. Improvement measures for the selection and mutation direction of genetic algorithms speed up the screening process. The experimental results show that using the improved genetic algorithm, the running time of the trajectory obtained is better than the trajectory before optimization, which effectively improves the operating efficiency and accuracy.
Key words : laser guidance;SCARA manipulator;trajectory planning;genetic algorithm

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王  鍇,關勝曉

(中國科學技術大學 信息科學技術學院,安徽 合肥230026)
