Design of EAN-13 barcode recognition system based on image technology
Li Hui,Ouyang Xinyu,Zhang Feng
(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan 114051,China)
Abstract: As a common data acquisition and automatic recognition technology,barcode technology has a wide range of application.In order to better meet the automation requirements of application scenarios,this paper studies the algorithms of EAN13 barcode recognition by using image processing technology.Firstly,the collected barcode image is preprocessed,including image graying,image inclination correction based on Hough transform,target segmentation and image filtering;secondly,according to the coding rules of barcode,the barcode is decoded by mean value method and check code error correction processing;finally,based on MATLAB software,a barcode recognition system is designed.Through the experimental verification,the recognition rate of the designed system has reached more than 99%,and achieved good results.
Key words : barcode recognition;image technology;system design;EAN-13