您所在的位置:首頁 > 電子元件 > 業(yè)界動(dòng)態(tài) > SEMI警告美政府:莫將SMIC加入黑名單,對行業(yè)不利












  Companiesthat supply the chip sector with sophisticated and expensive equipment plan towarn the Trump administration against a proposal to blacklist China's top chipmakerSemiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation 0981.HK, arguing it wouldbe “detrimental” to U.S. industry.

  Thecompanies are represented by the semiconductor and electronics manufacturingsuppliers industry group SEMI, which drafted a letter obtained by Reuters thatcould be sent as soon as this week to Commerce Department Secretary WilburRoss.

  In thedraft letter, the group argues that blacklisting SMIC would jeopardize theUnited States' technological edge by making it harder for U.S. companies to supply thecompany, which accounts for as much as $5 billion in annual U.S. originequipment and material sales.

  They alsoargue that such a move would “contribute to a growing perception” that the deliveryof U.S. goods is “unreliable” and hit U.S. market share worldwide.

  “We urge the Department to carefully consider the immediate and long-termdetrimental impacts to U.S. industry, economic and national security that mayresult from the addition of SMIC to the Entity List,” said the group, which boasts 2,400members worldwide.

  TheCommerce Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

  JoePasetti, SEMI's vice president of global public policy at SEMI, said “We don't comment on draftletters leaked to the press.”

  Reutersreported earlier this month that the Defense Department was working with otheragencies to determine whether to add SMIC to the Commerce Department's so-called “entity list,” which would forceU.S. suppliers to seek hard-to-get licenses before shipping to the company.Shares of the company plunged by nearly a quarter on the news.

  While theofficial did not reveal the motive for the proposed action, SMIC's relationship tothe Chinese military is under scrutiny, sources told Reuters, as theadministration increasingly trains its focus on China's military muscle.

  The entitylist has been used as a key tool by the administration to hammer Chinesecompanies under scrutiny in Washington, from telecoms giant Huawei oversanctions violations to surveillance equipment producer Hikvision 002415.SZ foraiding in the repression of Uighur minorities.

