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Strategy Analytics:增強現(xiàn)實(AR)興起,但是專用的AR頭戴設備仍是小眾產(chǎn)品


消費者在智能手機上通過app使用增強現(xiàn)實技術已經(jīng)變得普遍,比如Snapchat和Pokemon Go.。然而比如谷歌眼鏡和微軟HoloLens等AR頭戴設備仍是小眾產(chǎn)品,其銷量還未達到“成千上萬”臺。Strategy Analytics近期發(fā)布的AR研究報告《專用AR設備——市場和展望》和《專用AR設備預測按設備類型2013-2023》,審視了驅動AR頭戴設備市場增長和消費者采用的因素。


Report author David MacQueen said, “2013 and the launch of Google Glass really kickstarted the dedicated AR device market. Although the device was not a commercial success, the potential of AR became clear and the hype around it saw Google, Apple, Microsoft and other major players make serious investments in the AR field. 5 years on, and much of that technology has found its way onto smartphones, while dedicated AR headsets have remained a niche product.

Strategy Analytics報告作者David MacQueen表示,“2013年以及谷歌眼鏡的推出開啟了專用AR設備市場。盡管該設備并沒有取得商業(yè)上的成功,但AR的潛力變得顯而易見。同時谷歌、蘋果、微軟和其它主要的市場玩家也在AR領域不惜重金投資。五年來,許多技術都應用到智能手機上,而專用的AR頭戴設備仍還是小眾產(chǎn)品。  ”


“The major factor holding back the market for dedicated AR devices today is simply the cost of the hardware. In a typical enterprise deployment, this is not a major issue as the hardware itself is a relatively small part of the cost. The consumer market is much more price sensitive, and this is amply demonstrated by the relative success of the low cost $200 Lenovo slot-in Mirage AR headset, which drove the market to new heights in 2017. Despite the product instantly becoming the top selling AR headset of all time, it only moved the needle slightly, increasing total shipments from the tens of thousands of units to the hundreds of thousands.”

“如今阻礙專用AR設備市場的主要因素就是硬件的成本。 在典型的企業(yè)部署中,這不是主要問題,因為硬件本身只是成本的一小部分。 消費者市場的價格更加敏感,而低成本的200美元聯(lián)想插入式Mirage AR耳機的相對成功充分證明了這一點,該耳機在2017年將市場推向了新的高度。盡管該產(chǎn)品立即成為有史以來最暢銷的AR頭戴設備,它只是略微移動了針頭,便使總出貨量從數(shù)萬臺增加到數(shù)十萬臺?!?/p>

Strategy Analytic的報告發(fā)現(xiàn)插入式的AR 設備如今占出貨量的絕大部分,但是隨著市場向著更高質(zhì)量的體驗看齊,雙筒的AR組件(比如HoloLens)將會變得更加重要。Strategy Analytics預計,2020年AR頭戴設備的全球總出貨量將達到接近1000萬部,但是隨著平均售價持續(xù)下降到用戶能接受的水平,AR頭戴設備市場未來仍將會繼續(xù)發(fā)展。

David Kerr, Executive Vice President, added, “AR is suited to a wide variety of use cases, and could conceivably be used to augment almost any category of application or service. As well as adding richness to existing services, it also opens up possibilities for entirely new apps and services. So despite a slow start, the potential upside is huge. But for the market to grow significantly, it is consumer (rather than enterprise) which must drive volumes.

Strategy Analytics執(zhí)行副總裁David Kerr補充道,“AR 適用于各種用例,并可以在任意種類的應用或服務上適用。除了為現(xiàn)有服務增加豐富性外,它還為新的app和服務開啟了新的可能性。盡管起步較慢,但其潛在的上行空間力巨大。如果市場快速增長,消費者(而不是企業(yè))將會驅動出貨量增長?!?/p>

 “Key consumer use cases including gaming, marketing, and search require a device capable of delivering rich 3D graphics. The successful devices in the consumer market should be lower cost than, yet similar in functionality to, current cutting edge technology. To drive the price down to a consumer-friendly price point for an AR device with a stereoscopic 3D view, it is likely that some of the functionality (and therefore component cost) will be shifted to a smartphone. Strategy Analytics believes that smartphone OEMs are the most likely contenders to succeed in the longer term.”

“包括游戲,營銷和搜索在內(nèi)的關鍵消費者用例需要能夠提供豐富3D圖形的設備。 消費者市場中成功的設備應該比當前尖端技術的成本更低,但功能更相似。 為了將具有立體3D視圖的AR設備的價格降低到消費者友好的價格點,可能會將某些功能(以及因此組件成本)轉移到智能手機。 Strategy Analytics認為智能手機OEM是最有可能在長期內(nèi)取得成功的競爭者?!?/p>

 About Strategy Analytics

Strategy Analytics, Inc. 是一家全球性的市場研究與咨詢機構,為處于信息、通信和娛樂技術融合趨勢中的企業(yè)就市場動態(tài)和行業(yè)趨勢提供真知灼見,及戰(zhàn)略性業(yè)務解決方案。Strategy Analytics的總部位于美國波士頓,在北美、歐洲和亞太設有分支機構。公司主要關注新興技術、無線及移動、智慧家庭、汽車電子相關的市場機會和挑戰(zhàn)。詳情請訪問公司網(wǎng)站www.strategyanalytics.com

