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Lattice ispClock5400D六輸出時(shí)鐘分配解決方案

關(guān)鍵詞: CPLD ispClock5400D 時(shí)鐘分配

Lattice 公司的ispClock 5400D是用于時(shí)鐘分配的在系統(tǒng)可編程的超低抖動(dòng)的零延遲通用扇出的緩沖器,集成了超低抖動(dòng)時(shí)鐘源CleanClock PLL和FlexiClock 輸出區(qū)塊,可編程差分輸出標(biāo)準(zhǔn),單個(gè)使能控制:LVDS, LVPECL, HSTL, SSTL, HCSL, MLVDS.主要用在SERDES的低成本時(shí)鐘源,ATCA, MicroTCA, AMC, PCI Express以及差分時(shí)鐘分配等.本文介紹了ispClock 5400D系列主要特性,功能方框圖,以及ispClock5400D評(píng)估板主要特性,電路圖和材料清單(BOM).

ispClock 5400D Family In-System Programmable, Ultra-Low Jitter Zero Delay and Fan-Out Buffer,Differential

The ispClock5400D family integrates a CleanClock PLL and a FlexiClock Output block. The CleanClock PLL pro-vides an ultra-low-jitter clock source to a set of four V-dividers. The FlexiClock output block receives the clock out-put from these V-dividers through an output switch matrix and distributes them to the output pin using a programmable logic interface. There are two members in the ispClock5400D family, the ispClock5410D (10-output FlexiCLock block) and the ispClock5406D (6-output FlexiClock block). Each of the outputs may be independently configured to support separate I/O standards (LVDS, LVPECL, SSTL, HSTL, MLVDS, HCSL) and output frequency. In addition, the skew of each of the outputs can be independently controlled. All configuration information is stored on-chip in non-volatile E2CMOS® memory. The ispClock5400D devices provide extremely low propagation delay (zero-delay) from input to output using the CleanClock PLL. The PLL VCO output clock frequency is divided down by a set of four V- dividers. The output fre-quencies from these V-dividers, fVCO ÷ 2, fVCO ÷ 4, fVCO ÷ 8 and fVCO ÷ 16 are connected to the output routing matrix. The output routing matrix enables any output pin to derive its clock from any of the V-dividers outputs. Addi-tionally, the reference input clock can be connected directly to any output through the output routing matrix. The FlexiClock block supports dual skew mechanisms: Phase Skew Control and Time Skew Control. These skew control mechanisms enable fixed output clock skew control during power-up and variable skew during operation. The ispClock5400D device can be configured to operate in four modes: zero delay buffer mode, dual non-zero delay buffer mode, non-zero delay buffer mode with output dividers, and combined zero-delay and non-zero delay buffer mode. The I2C interface can be used to dynamically control the ispClock5400D configuration: Output clock frequency, Phase Skew, Time skew, Fan-out buffer mode, Output enable. The core functions of both members of the ispClock5400D family are identical.

ispClock 5400D主要特性:

CleanClock™ PLL

FlexiClock™ I/O

? Ultra Low Period Jitter 2.5ps

? Ultra Low Phase Jitter 6.5ps

? Fully Integrated High-Performance PLL

•Programmable lock detect

•Four output dividers

•Programmable on-chip loop filter

•Compatible with Spread Spectrum clocks

•Internal/external feedback

? Flexible Clock Reference and External Feedback Inputs

•Programmable differential input reference/feed-back standards - LVDS, LVPECL, HSTL, SSTL, HCSL, MLVDS

•Programmable termination

•Clock A/B selection multiplexer

? 40 MHz to 400 MHz Input/Output Operation

? Dual Programmable Skew Per Output

•Programmable phase adjustment - 16 settings; minimum step size 156 ps-Up to +/- 9.4 ns skew range- Coarse and fine adjustment modes

•Programmable time delay adjustment - 16 settings; 18 ps

? Dynamic Skew Control Through I2C

? Low Output-to-Output Skew (<100ps)

? Up to 10 Programmable Fan-out Buffers

•Programmable differential output standards and individual enable controls - LVDS, LVPECL, HSTL, SSTL, HCSL, MLVDS

•Up to 10 banks with individual VCCO and GND - 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V

? All I/Os are Hot Socket Compliant

? Operating Modes

•Fan-out buffer with programmable output skew control

•Zero delay buffer with dual programmable skew controls

? Dynamic Reconfiguration through I2C

? Full JTAG Boundary Scan Test In-System Programming Support

? Exceptional Power Supply Noise Immunity

? Commercial (0°to 70℃) and Industrial (-40°to 85℃) Temperature Ranges 48-Pin and 64-pin QFNS Packages

ispClock 5400D應(yīng)用:

•Low-cost clock source for SERDES

•ATCA, MicroTCA, AMC, PCI Express

•Differential Clock Distribution

•Generic Source Synchronous Clock Management

•Zero-delay clock buffer

圖1.ispClock 5400D方框圖

圖2.ispClock5410D 功能方框圖



This board features an ispClock5406D device that provides in-system-programmable zero delay universal fan-out buffers for use in clock distribution applications. The on-board ispClock5406D is a 6-output clock distribution IC. Differential ultra low skew outputs are organized with two banks per group. Each bank may be independently con-figured to support separate I/O standards (LVDS, LVPECL, HSTL, SSTL, HCSL, and MLVDS) and output fre-quency. In addition, each output provides independent programmable control of phase and time skew. All configuration information is stored on-chip in non-volatile E2CMOS® memory.


The ispClock5400D Evaluation Board package includes:

• ispClock5400D Evaluation Board

– The board features the following on

-board components and circuits: ispClock5406D programmable clock (ispPAC-CLK5406D-01SN48I)

– Crystal oscillator circuits

– Can oscillator circuit landing

– Resistor networks

– SMA connectors

– Power jack

Test and JTAG interface headers

• Pre-loaded Base Demo – The kit includes a pre-loaded demo design that highlights key performance character-istics of the ispClock5406D device.

• Lattice ispDOWNLOAD™ Cable (HW-USBN-2A)– The ispDOWNLOAD cable provides a hardware connection for in-system programming of the ispClock5406D device.

• User’s Guide – Provides information on powering, connecting lab equipment, and using the board as a clock source for various Lattice FPGA evaluation boards. The contents of this user’s guide include demo operation, top-level functional descriptions of the various portions of the evaluation board, descriptions of the on-board con-nectors, switches and a complete set of schematics.

• QuickSTART Guide – Provides information on connecting the evaluation board, running the pre-loaded evalua-tion demo.












