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【視頻】Control and Instrumentation Solutions for Wind Tunnel Applic


See how National Instruments LabVIEW Real-Time and PXI are being used by Lockheed Martin and G Systems to develop a next-generation wind-tunnel test system for the F-com/search/?q=com" title="com">com/search/?q=35" title="35">35" title="35">35 Joint Strike Fighter. The Lockheed Martin team is using the PDDAS (Portable Digital Data Acquisition System), in conjunction with several F-35 scale models to perform parametric testing of the engine inlet air flow over a wide range of simulated flight conditions. This presentation was originally delivered as a live online web event in March 2003. You can view the presentation slides on this CD, or alternatively visit www.ni.com/webevents/archive to watch a full replay of the presentation.



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