Conformal ECO寄存器新增的掃描鏈自動化接入方案
摘要: 隨著芯片規(guī)模的增加,ECO的需求和大小也隨之增加,其中當(dāng)新增寄存器數(shù)量達到百位量級時,人工接入掃描鏈難度也將急劇上升?;贑adence的Conformal和Innovus等工具,在綜合考量邏輯正確性和中后端物理實現(xiàn)可行性的基礎(chǔ)上,采用歸一思路下的“S”型連線和room值下的再分組等方法,實現(xiàn)了上述問題的自動化和高效化解決,在邏輯上確保了時鐘域一致性等問題,物理上同時兼顧了布局布線優(yōu)化和最大掃描鏈長度。并且其自動化的高效性,在項目實踐中能夠快速完成上百數(shù)量寄存器的掃描鏈接入。
中圖分類號:TN402 文獻標(biāo)志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.240805
中文引用格式: 曾子豪. Conformal ECO寄存器新增的掃描鏈自動化接入方案[J]. 電子技術(shù)應(yīng)用,2024,50(8):17-20.
英文引用格式: Zeng Zihao. Logical & physical aware automatic solution for scan chain insertion of newly added registers in Conformal ECO[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(8):17-20.
中文引用格式: 曾子豪. Conformal ECO寄存器新增的掃描鏈自動化接入方案[J]. 電子技術(shù)應(yīng)用,2024,50(8):17-20.
英文引用格式: Zeng Zihao. Logical & physical aware automatic solution for scan chain insertion of newly added registers in Conformal ECO[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(8):17-20.
Logical & physical aware automatic solution for scan chain insertion of newly added registers in Conformal ECO
Zeng Zihao
Bestechnic (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Abstract: With the scale of Digital IC increasing, ECO is more frequently and largely used during implementation flow. When hundreds of newly added registers are required, the manually insertion to exist scan chain for these registers is a big challenge for engineers. This paper describes an automatic solution for above problem with both logical and physical concerns, based on Cadence Conformal and Innovus. For logical part, the clock domain consistence is correctly obeyed. And for physical part, both longest scan chain length and Place&Route friendly requirement are covered well. Moreover, as the nature of automatic solution, hundreds of newly added registers could be inserted efficiently and safely during practice.
Key words : Conformal ECO;scan chain;newly added registers;automatic solution
目前的數(shù)字芯片規(guī)模早已超越百千萬門級,在項目的后期版本更新中,重走一遍中后端流程往往是項目日程所不允許的,因此對ECO(Pre-mask)的需求也逐漸增加。另一方面,設(shè)計的復(fù)雜性也在不斷提高,因此ECO(Premask & Post-mask)中設(shè)計改動較大的情況也越來越常見,這其中大多數(shù)情況會涉及時序邏輯部分的寄存器新增,且其中新增數(shù)量超過十位量級的情況也時有發(fā)生。
當(dāng)新增寄存器數(shù)量較多時,出于測試覆蓋率等考量,需要將這部分寄存器接入現(xiàn)有的掃描鏈中;但是此時的掃描鏈基本已經(jīng)成型,現(xiàn)有的可測性設(shè)計(Design for Test,DFT)相關(guān)工具也不支持在其基礎(chǔ)上進行額外的寄存器接入。
(恒玄科技(上海)有限公司,上海 201203)