網絡安全與數據治理 2期
(長江大學 油氣資源與勘探技術教育部重點實驗室,湖北 武漢430100)
摘要: 單測點校正法計算復雜、不穩(wěn)定、誤差較大,無法滿足井下地磁方位角的精度要求?;陂g接單測點分析法和Brooks多測點分析法,提出一種新方法,通過DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)算法識別并剔除噪聲,采用橢圓校正法校正徑向干擾,軸向干擾則由單軸多測點分析法校正。實驗證明:改進多測點法不僅可以進一步提高橢圓校正的擬合效果,還能降低噪聲對參考點計算值的影響,計算得到的方差曲線收斂性更強、更穩(wěn)定,校正后方位角誤差進一步降低。
中圖分類號: TE29
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2023.02.013
引用格式: 許澤凡,宋紅偉,張明菊,等. 融合DBSCAN多測點算法的磁方位校正[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2023,42(2):83-88.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2097-1788.2023.02.013
引用格式: 許澤凡,宋紅偉,張明菊,等. 融合DBSCAN多測點算法的磁方位校正[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2023,42(2):83-88.
Magnetic azimuth correction based on DBSCAN multi-station analysis algorithm
Xu Zefan,Song Hongwei,Zhang Mingju,Hu Shaobing,Chen Xuefei,Cheng Weibin
(Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources,MOE,Yangtze University,Wuhan 430100,China)
Abstract: The single-point correction method is complex and unstable with large of errors, which cannot meet the precision requirements of the downhole azimuth. Based on the indirect single measurement point analysis method and the multi-station analysis of Brooks, a new method is proposed to identify and eliminate noise by the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise(DBSCAN), and the ellipse correction method is used to correct the radial interference, the axial interference is corrected by the uniaxial multi-station analysis algorithm. Experiments show that improving the multi-station analysis not only further improves the fitting effect of ellipse correction, but also reduces the influence of noise on the calculated value of reference points, making the calculated variance curve more convergent and more stable, and the corrected azimuth error is further reduced.
Key words : magnetic azimuth correction;multi-station analysis method;DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of App- lications with Noise);ellipse correction
0 引言
磁場干擾的主要誤差來源包括外部磁場、傳感器、底部鉆具組合、儀器不居中和測量深度[2]。Russel在不考慮徑向干擾的情況下,根據當地地磁場、軸向干擾磁場和實測磁場之間的分量幾何關系,提出Russel法校正軸向干擾。羅武勝、徐濤等人對此方法進行詳細的驗證[3-4]。Sperry-Sun公司隨之提出間接單測點校正法,即短鉆鋌修正法。Van Dongen在考慮軸向干擾時,提出旋轉鉆柱360°的方法校正徑向干擾。針對這類校正法,范光第、許昊東等人進行對比驗證[5-6]。劉建光、底青云等人對Brooks多測點分析算法進行改進[7],通過井眼軌跡函數和剩磁場干擾的函數關系縮小軸向校正值的求解范圍。
(長江大學 油氣資源與勘探技術教育部重點實驗室,湖北 武漢430100)