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網絡安全與數據治理 2022年第1期
張 楊1,廉吉慶2,張 揚1,高德毅3
(1.上海理工大學 管理學院,上海200093;2.上海出版印刷高等專科學校 印刷包裝工程系,上海200093; 3.上海市人大外事委,上海200003)
摘要: 以中國知網收錄的網絡輿情情感分析主題論文為數據來源,以文章摘要為詞源,借助TF-IDF方法提取關鍵詞并對關鍵詞進行共詞分析。結果顯示,目前國內網絡輿情情感研究熱點包括對輿情信息內容進行情感分析,對情感分析技術進行改進和創(chuàng)新,對輿情傳播過程中的各個要素進行情感分析等方面。所使用的共詞分析方法可以反映單個關鍵詞的熱門程度,對網絡輿情的科學分析和有效應對提供了理論指導,具有重要的參考價值。
中圖分類號: G353.1
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.008
引用格式: 張楊,廉吉慶,張揚,等. 國內網絡輿情情感研究熱點分析[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(1):47-55.
Hotspots analysis of sentiment research on Internet public opinion in China
Zhang Yang1,Lian Jiqing2,Zhang Yang1,Gao Deyi3
(1.School of Management,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China; 2.Department of Printing and Packaging Engineering,Shanghai Publishing and Printing College,Shanghai 200093,China; 3.Committee for Foreign Affairs of Shanghai Municipal People′s Congress,Shanghai 200003,China)
Abstract: The article takes the papers about sentiment analysis of Internet public opinion in CNKI as the data source,firstly,key words are extracted by means of TF-IDF from abstract. Then,after the normalization of key words,co-word analysis is carried out.According to the results of co-occurrence analysis, the article discusses the hotspots analysis of sentiment research on Internet public opinion from three aspects ,including the content,technology,and public opinion communication elements. The co-word analysis method used in this paper can reflect the popularity of a single keyword. This study provides theoretical guidance for scientific analysis and effective response of online public opinion, and has important reference value.
Key words : Internet public opinion;sentiment research;co-occurrence analysis;TF-IDF;hotspots analysis

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張  楊1,廉吉慶2,張  揚1,高德毅3

(1.上海理工大學 管理學院,上海200093;2.上海出版印刷高等??茖W校 印刷包裝工程系,上海200093;

