您所在的位置:首頁 > 通信與網絡 > 設計應用 > 基于負載預測的車聯網信道擁塞控制策略
楊 戈1,2,朱永豪1
1.北京師范大學珠海分校 智能多媒體技術重點實驗室,廣東 珠海519087; 2.北京師范大學自然科學高等研究院,廣東 珠海519087
摘要: 在車聯網中,過高的車輛密度會造成信道擁塞,信道擁塞的發(fā)生會嚴重影響協同車輛安全系統的性能。針對此問題,設計實現了一種基于車聯網信道負載預測的擁塞控制策略(Congestion Control Strategy based on Channel Load Prediction,C2SLP)。該策略分為3個模塊,首先使用載波偵聽多址訪問協議中的檢測功能獲取信道閑忙狀態(tài)進行負載評估,然后將所得結果代入自回歸移動平均模型(Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average,ARIMA)對下一時刻的信道負載值進行預測,最后將所得負載預測值與預設的標準值進行比較,根據對比結果使用功率控制算法調整傳輸功率,實現提前避免信道擁塞。仿真實驗結果表明,C2SLP將信道占有率穩(wěn)定在0.6左右,傳輸時延穩(wěn)定在30 ms左右,明顯優(yōu)于UBRCC算法,C2SLP在控制信道擁塞的同時有效減少傳輸時延,確保數據包可靠發(fā)送,滿足車輛安全應用需求。
中圖分類號: TN915.03
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 楊戈,朱永豪. 基于負載預測的車聯網信道擁塞控制策略[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(3):64-67,72.
英文引用格式: Yang Ge,Zhu Yonghao. Congestion control strategy of VANET channel based on load prediction[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(3):64-67,72.
Congestion control strategy of VANET channel based on load prediction
Yang Ge1,2,Zhu Yonghao1
1.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Multimedia Technology,Beijing Normal University(Zhuhai Campus),Zhuhai 519087,China; 2.Advanced Institute of Natural Sciences, Beijing Normal University,Zhuhai 519087,China
Abstract: In the VANET, excessively high vehicle density will cause channel congestion, and the occurrence of channel congestion will seriously affect the performance of the cooperative vehicle safety system. Aiming at this problem, a C2SLP congestion control strategy based on the prediction of vehicle network channel load is designed. The strategy is divided into three steps. Firstly, use the detection function in the carrier-sensing multiple access protocol to obtain the busy and busy status of the channel, and perform load evaluation according to the proportion of the busy time of the channel. Then the obtained results are substituted into the autoregressive moving average model to predict the next channel load value at the moment. Finally the obtained load prediction value is compared with the preset standard value, and the power control algorithm is used to adjust the transmission power according to the comparison result to avoid channel congestion in advance. The simulation experiment results show that this strategy can stabilize the channel occupancy at about 0.6 and the transmission delay at about 30 ms. Compared with the UBRCC algorithm,this strategy can effectively reduce the transmission delay while controlling channel congestion, ensure the reliable transmission of data packets, and meet the requirements of vehicle safety applications.
Key words : VANET;load evaluation;load forecasting;power control

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    目前,5G網絡基本實現了全面部署,VANET(Vehicle Ad hoc Network)車聯網成為了各國家重點發(fā)展方向。2020年,歐盟、美國、俄羅斯等都將車聯網發(fā)展作為國家重點扶持項目,將車聯網全面部署作為國家重大目標。同樣地,我國也已經將車聯網作為國家重點發(fā)展項目進行研究和推進,正在重點發(fā)展車聯網的自動駕駛技術和輔助駕駛技術產業(yè)化的研究[1-7]



楊  戈1,2,朱永豪1

(1.北京師范大學珠海分校 智能多媒體技術重點實驗室,廣東 珠海519087;

2.北京師范大學自然科學高等研究院,廣東 珠海519087)

