您所在的位置:首頁 > 通信與網(wǎng)絡 > 設(shè)計應用 > 5G無線基站射頻電磁場輻射安全評估探討
談儒猛1,熊尚坤1,武 彤2
1.中國電信股份有限公司研究院 移動通信研究所,廣東 廣州510630; 2.中國計量科學研究院 先進測量工程中心,北京100029
摘要: 針對5G基站輻射安全問題,給出了人體暴露于5G射頻電磁場的理論評估方法和安全邊界計算示例。探討了5G頻段相關(guān)的射頻電磁場人體暴露的安全標準、5G基站實際最大EIRP(時間平均)的確定方法、理論評估計算公式和評估程序等技術(shù)問題,并結(jié)合實際給出一個典型5G基站的安全邊界計算案例。
中圖分類號: TN929.5
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 談儒猛,熊尚坤,武彤. 5G無線基站射頻電磁場輻射安全評估探討[J].電子技術(shù)應用,2020,46(8):42-45,53.
英文引用格式: Tan Rumeng,Xiong Shangkun,Wu Tong. Discussion on electromagnetic field safety compliance assessments for 5G radio base station[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(8):42-45,53.
Discussion on electromagnetic field safety compliance assessments for 5G radio base station
Tan Rumeng1,Xiong Shangkun1,Wu Tong2
1.Mobile Communication Institute,China Telecom Research Institute,Guangzhou 510630,China; 2.Center for Advanced Metering Infrastructure,National Institute of Metrology,Beijing 100029,China
Abstract: This paper presents the theoretical assessment method and a case study of compliance boundary of human exposure to 5G radio base station. The technical issues related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields at 5G frequency band, the determination method of the actual maximum EIRP(time domain average) of 5G base stations, theoretical evaluation calculation formulas and evaluation procedures, etc.,are discussed for the assessment of the electromagnetic environment in real scenarios.
Key words : 5G;electromagnetic fields(EMF);human exposure;compliance assessment

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談儒猛1,熊尚坤1,武  彤2

(1.中國電信股份有限公司研究院 移動通信研究所,廣東 廣州510630;

2.中國計量科學研究院 先進測量工程中心,北京100029)
