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杜 喆1,韋 煒2,張德智1
摘要: 2019年6月6日工信部向中國電信等4家運營商發(fā)放5G牌照,意味著中國已步入5G商用元年。5G可以說是新一輪顛覆性的信息技術(shù)革命,其具備高速率、大容量、低時延的特點,因此對5G前傳網(wǎng)絡(luò)提出了更高的技術(shù)要求。為此,基于5G業(yè)務(wù)和架構(gòu)新特性、5G承載需求特性等綜合分析,提出4種前傳承載解決方案,并給出不同場景下的5G前傳承載方案建議。
關(guān)鍵詞: pRRU 5G前傳 CUDU
中圖分類號: TN929.5
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 杜喆,韋煒,張德智. 室內(nèi)場景下的5G前傳承載方案研究[J].電子技術(shù)應(yīng)用,2020,46(7):24-28.
英文引用格式: Du Zhe,Wei Wei,Zhang Dezhi. Research on 5G fronthaul transmission of indoor scene[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(7):24-28.
Research on 5G fronthaul transmission of indoor scene
Du Zhe1,Wei Wei2,Zhang Dezhi1
1.Research Institute of China Telecom Corp.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200122,China; 2.Shanghai Branch of China Telecom Corp.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200120,China
Abstract: The Ministry of Industy and Information Technology granted 5G licenses to relevant operators on June 6,2019, marking China′s entry into the first year of 5G commercialization. 5G is set to be a new round of disruptive revolution in information technology, with significant advantages including high speed, large capacity, and low delay. So it also puts forward some stringent technical requirements such as high bandwidth and low delay for 5G fronthaul network. Therefore,based on the comprehensive analysis of 5G new features of business and architecture, 5G carrying demand characteristics, etc., this paper proposes four kinds of prequel carrying solutions, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages and application scenarios, and summarizes suggestions on 5G fronthaul transmission solutions applicable to different scenarios.
Key words : pRRU;5G fronthaul network;CU/DU

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杜  喆1,韋  煒2,張德智1

