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Power Integrations’ SCALE-iDriver ICs Now Available with AEC-Q100 Certification for Automotive Use

Safe, reliable and reinforced isolation for applications up to 1200 V

  Power Integrations (Nasdaq: POWI), the leader in gate-driver technology for medium- and high-voltage inverter applications, today announced that two members of its SCALE-iDriver? gate-driver IC family are now certified to AEC-Q100 Grade Level 1 for automotive use. The two parts, SID1132KQ and SID1182KQ, are suitable for driving 650 V, 750 V and 1200 V automotive IGBT and SiC-MOSFET modules, and are rated for peak currents of +/-2.5 A and +/-8 A respectively. The SID1182KQ has the highest output current of any isolated gate driver available and is capable of driving a 600 A /1200 V and 820 A /750 V switch.

  The SCALE-iDriver family of single-channel IGBT and SiC-MOSFET driver ICs features Power Integrations’ innovative FluxLink? magneto-inductive bi-directional communication technology which ensures reinforced galvanic isolation between the primary and secondary sides, setting a new standard in isolation integrity and stability. FluxLink technology eliminates the need for opto-electronics, which suffer parametric changes with age and relentless thermal degradation that limits operational lifetime. Use of magnetically-coupled conductors locked into a homogenous thermoset, high quality insulation greatly enhances operational stability and longevity. The devices utilize Power Integrations’ compact and robust eSOP package, which offers a CTI level of 600, 9.5 mm creepage and clearance distance, and easily meets automotive 5500 m requirements.

  Comments Michael Hornkamp, senior director of marketing for gate-driver products at Power Integrations: “Automotive manufacturers require safe, smart and highly integrated solutions for EV and HEV applications including the main inverter, brake chopper, DC-DC battery converter and AC-DC onboard battery-charger designs. AEC-Q100 approval for the SCALE-iDriver gate-driver family enables automotive design engineers to increase system efficiency and, for the first time, benefit from this ultra-safe and reliable isolation technology. Our FluxLink magnetic coupling technology permits data transfer with galvanic isolation and includes a minimum internal 0.4 mm separation through high quality insulation between the low- and high-voltage sides. SCALE-iDriver automotive ICs achieve a new level of driver reliability and isolation safety.”

  SCALE-iDriver devices minimize the number of external components required, simplifying the BOM and permitting two-layer PCB layouts, which reduces interference and increases the reliability of the whole system. The automotive DC-DC converter for the secondary-side supply voltage is greatly simplified as only a unipolar voltage is required by the SCALE-iDriver IC. Built-in voltage and power management circuitry handles the necessary regulation of positive and negative gate-drive voltages. The IC features a full range of safety features including Advanced Soft Shut Down (ASSD) for short-circuit turn-off and under-voltage protection.

  SCALE-iDriver ICs are available now, priced at $4.12 in 10,000 quantities. Technical information is available from the Power Integrations website at www.power.com/products/scale-idriver-ic-family/sid11x2kq/.
