您所在的位置:首頁 > 其他 > 設計應用 > 基于加權KNN算法的腦電信號情緒識別
蔡 靖,袁守國,李 銳,徐夢輝
吉林大學 儀器科學與電氣工程學院,吉林 長春130061
摘要: 情緒與人類的行為、家庭及社會密切相關。情緒不僅能反映人類的各種感覺、思想和行為,而且也是各種外部刺激所產(chǎn)生的心理和生理反應,所以在很多領域中對情緒的正確識別十分重要。情緒的變化會導致腦電圖(EEG)信號發(fā)生變化,反之,這些變化也反映了情緒狀態(tài)?;贒EAP數(shù)據(jù)庫,對EEG信號進行時域特征和頻域特征提取,通過PCA主成分分析法對特征進行降維處理。利用加權KNN算法進行5折交叉驗證訓練,最終對興奮(excited)、放松(relaxed)、沮喪(depressed)、憤怒(angry)4種情緒狀態(tài)的識別準確率達到80%。
中圖分類號: TP301.6
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 蔡靖,袁守國,李銳,等. 基于加權KNN算法的腦電信號情緒識別[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):25-30,35.
英文引用格式: Cai Jing,Yuan Shouguo,Li Rui,et al. Emotion recognition of EEG signals based on weighted KNN algorithm[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):25-30,35.
Emotion recognition of EEG signals based on weighted KNN algorithm
Cai Jing,Yuan Shouguo,Li Rui,Xu Menghui
School of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun 130061,China
Abstract: Emotion is closely related to human behavior, family and society. Emotion can not only reflect all kinds of human feelings, thoughts and behaviors, but also the psychological and physiological responses produced by various external stimuli. Therefore, the correct identification of emotion is very important in many fields. The change of emotion will lead to the change of electroencephalogram(EEG) signal. On the contrary, these changes also reflect the change of emotional state. Based on the DEAP database, this paper extracts the time-domain and frequency-domain features of EEG signals, and reduces the dimension of the features by principal component analysis(PCA). The weighted KNN algorithm is used for 5-fold cross validation training. Finally, the recognition accuracy of excited, relaxed, depressed and angry emotions reaches 80%.
Key words : EEG signal;principal component analysis(PCA);time-domain feature;frequency-domain feature;weighted KNN

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    近年來,基于腦電信號的情緒識別是當前關于情緒研究領域和人機交互領域的熱門課題。Pane等人提出了一種將情緒側(cè)化和整體學習相結(jié)合的策略,對DEAP數(shù)據(jù)集采用隨機森林的方法進行分類,分類準確率為75.6%[3];Verma等人基于DEAP數(shù)據(jù)庫使用支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,SVM)進行多模態(tài)情緒識別[4];Kolodyazhniy利用K-近鄰算法和交叉驗證的方法對34名參與者的數(shù)據(jù)集進行分析,對恐懼、悲傷及中性3種情緒狀態(tài)的識別準確率最高達73.2%[5]。但這些方法識別情緒種類不多且準確率較低,對此,本文提出一種采用加權KNN算法、基于DEAP數(shù)據(jù)庫的5折交叉驗證的方法實現(xiàn)對興奮(excited)、放松(relaxed)、沮喪(depressed)、憤怒(angry)4種情緒的準確識別,識別準確率高達80%。



蔡  靖,袁守國,李  銳,徐夢輝

(吉林大學 儀器科學與電氣工程學院,吉林 長春130061)

