您所在的位置:首頁(yè) > 嵌入式技術(shù) > 解決方案 > PIC單片機(jī)的BIN碼轉(zhuǎn)BCD碼


關(guān)鍵詞: PIC 源代碼


;                  Binary To BCD Conversion Routine
;      This routine converts a 16 Bit binary Number to a 5 Digit
; BCD Number. This routine is useful since PIC16C55 & PIC16C57
; have  two 8 bit ports and one 4 bit port ( total of 5 BCD digits)
;       The 16 bit binary number is input in locations H_byte and
; L_byte with the high byte in H_byte.
;       The 5 digit BCD number is returned in R0, R1 and R2 with R0
; containing the MSD in its right most nibble.
;   Performance :
;               Program Memory  :       35
;               Clock Cycles    :       885
count  equ      16
temp   equ      17
H_byte  equ     10
L_byte  equ     11
R0      equ     12              ; RAM Assignments
R1      equ     13
R2      equ     14
 include         "picreg.h"
B2_BCD  bcf     STATUS,0                ; clear the carry bit
 movlw   .16
 movwf   count
 clrf    R0
 clrf    R1
 clrf    R2
loop16  rlf     L_byte
 rlf     H_byte
 rlf     R2
 rlf     R1
 rlf     R0
 decfsz  count
 goto    adjDEC
 RETLW   0
adjDEC  movlw   R2
 movwf   FSR
 call    adjBCD
 movlw   R1
 movwf   FSR
 call    adjBCD
 movlw   R0
 movwf   FSR
 call    adjBCD
 goto    loop16
adjBCD  movlw   3
 addwf   0,W
 movwf   temp
 btfsc   temp,3          ; test if result > 7
 movwf   0
 movlw   30
 addwf   0,W
 movwf   temp
 btfsc   temp,7          ; test if result > 7
 movwf   0               ; save as MSD
 RETLW   0
;               Test Program
main    movlw   0FF
 movwf   H_byte
 movwf   L_byte          ; The 16 bit binary number = FFFF
 call    B2_BCD          ; After conversion the Decimal Number
;                               ; in R0,R1,R2 = 06,55,35
self    goto    self
 org     1FF
 goto    main
