Linear公司的LTC4266A是四;路PSE" title="PSE">PSE控制器,可向LTPoE" title="PoE">PoE++兼容的PD提供高達90W的功率,而LTC4266C是完全自動化的PSE系統(tǒng),能為Type 1 (多達13W) PD供電.其先進的電源管理包括14位電流監(jiān)測ADC,DAC可編程的限流以及預選端口的多種快速關斷.主要用在LTPoE++ PSE交換/路由, LTPoE++ PSE中跨, IEEE 802.3at Type 1 PSE交換/路由以及IEEE 802.3at Type 1 PSE中跨.本文介紹了LTC4266A/LTC4266C主要特性, 網絡供電" title="網絡供電">網絡供電系統(tǒng)框圖,以及完整的4端口以太網大功率源框圖, 光隔離的I2C總線連接等.
Quad PoE/PoE+/LTPoE++ PSE Controller
The LTCR4266A is a quad Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) controller capable of delivering up to 90W of LTPoE++ power to a compatible LTPoE++ Powered Device (PD). A proprietary detection/classification scheme allows mutual identification between a LTPoE++ PSE and LTPoE++ PD while remaining compatible and interoperable with existing Type 1 (13W) and Type 2 (25.5W) PDs. The LTC4266A feature set is a superset of the popular LTC4266. These PSE controllers feature low RON external MOSFETs and
0.25Ω sense resistors which are especially important at the LTPoE++ current levels to maintain the lowest possible heat dissipation.
The LTC4266C targets fully automatic PSE systems powering Type 1 (up to 13W) PDs.Advanced power management features include: 14-bit current monitoring ADCs, DAC-programmable current limit, and versatile quick shutdown of preselected ports.Advanced power management host software is available under a no-cost license. PD Discovery uses a proprietary dual-mode 4-point detection mechanism ensuring excellent immunity from false PD detection. The LTC4266 includes an I2C serial interface operable up to 1MHz.
The LTC4266 is available in multiple power grades allowing delivered PD power of 13W, 25W, 35W, 45W, 70W and 90W. These controllers are available in a 38-pin 5mm ×7mm QFN package.
Four Independent PSE Channels
Compliant with IEEE 802.3at Type 1 and 2
Low Power Dissipation
0.25Ω Sense Resistance Per Channel
Very High Reliability 4-Point PD Detection
2-Point Forced Voltage
2-Point Forced Current
High Capacitance Legacy Device Detection
1MHz I2C Compatible Serial Control Interface
Midspan Backoff Timer
Supports 2-Pair and 4-Pair Output Power
Available in Multiple Power Grades
LTC4266A-1: LTPoE++™ 35W
LTC4266A-2: LTPoE++ 45W
LTC4266A-3: LTPoE++ 70W
LTC4266A-4: LTPoE++ 90W
LTC4266C: PoE 13W
Available in 38-Pin 5mm × 7mm QFN Package
LTPoE++ PSE Switches/Routers
LTPoE++ PSE Midspans
IEEE 802.3at Type 1 PSE Switches/Routers
IEEE 802.3at Type 1 PSE Midspans